Trentham Golf Club
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Trentham has a wide range of memberships from full adult membership to very affordable pay-for-play memberships. The range of memberships available is listed below. Prices apply from September 1, 2024. Before purchasing, you should familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of the memberships by clicking the relevant link below.

Please note: current competition fees are $10.00* for adults and $5.00* for juniors.

Online application and payment

Adult membership


This is full adult membership of Trentham Golf Club. Memberships are due on February 28th each year. You can play on the course without any extra payment for the period of the membership. Includes a GolfLink handicap and personal insurance for public liability and some equipment loss. You have voting rights and can stand for office.

This membership offers:

  • Full playing rights for the period of membership without extra green fee payment.
  • No joining fee.
  • You can play in Trentham club competitions with payment of the competition fee.
  • Use of the course at any time outside of competitions, except when it is closed for reasons such as tournaments and maintenance.
  • A Trentham GolfLink handicap and personal insurance for the full term of the membership
  • Access to play in competitions and tournaments throughout Australia (where clubs accept visitors and depending on their membership and admission policies).


Who will benefit from this membership?

Full membership of Trentham Golf Club will suit those who wish to fully participate in a golf club. It carries full playing and voting rights as a member, as well as year-round personal insurance and Golf Australia GolfLink handicap.

What is the cost?

$840 pa.

What is my status while I am a member?

You can play at Trentham at any time without paying any extra green fees. You can enter weekly competitions with the payment of the competition fee. You are eligible for board events (subject to any stated qualifying periods). You can enter any tournament event at Trentham with payment of the published entry fee.

What membership rights do I have?

You have full voting rights at Trentham Golf Club, and you can stand for the committee and for office. You have playing rights year-round, and you are able to enter Trentham “board” events, such as club championships or the singles and doubles knockout matchplay (subject to any stated qualifying periods). With your Trentham Golf Link handicap, you can play in open competitions or tournaments at other clubs in Australia (subject to their green fee charges and entry policies -- some clubs do not have open competitions). To obtain a handicap you need to fulfil the usual Golf Australia requirements.

When can I purchase a full membership?

You can purchase a membership at any time. There is a pro-rata fee payable for joining at times other than for the full year. If you join in January or February, you pay the full yearly membership fee, but your membership is valid until February 28th of the following year.

I’m a member of another club, how do switch my handicap to Trentham?

If you are not continuing with your previous club, you can transfer your handicap. We will need your current GolfLink number and your approval to transfer. You will receive a new GolfLink card and a Trentham number (starting with 30606). 

If you are retaining your other club membership, the choice is yours as to where you want your handicap to be held. For handicap purposes, you can be a 'home' member at one club and a 'non-home' member at the other. Just let us know which.

How do I buy a membership?

You can buy a membership online at this website. Or you can download a membership form and pay at the clubhouse by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

How do I pay?

Online you can pay by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Direct Bank Deposit (your membership is not valid until the direct deposit is received). At the club, you can pay by Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS.

Family membership


Family membership of Trentham Golf Club includes membership for two adults and any number of children under 18 years. Includes a GolfLink handicap and personal insurance coverage for each family member.

This membership offers:

  • Full playing rights for the period of membership for all family members without extra green fee payment.
  • No joining fees.
  • All family members can play in Trentham club competitions with payment of the competition fee.
  • Use of the course by all family members at any time outside of competitions, except when it is closed for reasons such as tournaments and maintenance.
  • A Trentham GolfLink handicap and personal insurance for each family member for the full term of the family membership.
  • Access to play in competitions and tournaments throughout Australia (where clubs accept visitors and depending on their membership and admission policies).


Who will benefit from this membership?

Family membership of Trentham Golf Club will suit families consisting of two adults and any number of children. The adult family member can fully participate in the golf club and have voting rights as a member. All family members will have year-round personal insurance and Golf Australia GolfLink handicap.

What is the cost?

$1680 pa.

What is our status while we are family members?

Family members can play at Trentham at any time without paying any extra green fees. They can enter weekly competitions with the payment of the competition fee. They are eligible for board events (subject to any stated qualifying periods). They can enter any tournament event at Trentham with payment of the published entry fee.

What membership rights do we have?

Adult members have full voting rights at Trentham Golf Club, and can stand for the committee and for office. Junior members do not have any voting rights, nor can they stand for office. All family members have playing rights year-round, and you are able to enter Trentham “board” events, such as club championships or the singles and doubles knockout matchplay (subject to any stated qualifying periods). With your Trentham Golf Link handicap, you can play in open competitions or tournaments at other clubs in Australia (subject to their green fee charges and entry policies -- some clubs do not have open competitions). To obtain a handicap you need to fulfil the usual Golf Australia requirements.

When can I purchase a family membership?

You can purchase a family membership at any time. There is a pro-rata fee payable for joining at times other than for the full year. If the family joins in January or February, they pay the full yearly membership fee, but membership is valid until February 28th of the following year.

We're members of another club, how do we switch handicaps to Trentham?

If you are not continuing with your previous club, you can transfer your handicaps. We will need your current GolfLink numbers and your approval to transfer. You will receive new GolfLink cards and Trentham numbers (starting with 30606).

If you are retaining your other club membership, the choice is yours as to where you want your handicap to be held. For handicap purposes, you can be a 'home' member at one club and a 'non-home' member at the other. Just let us know which.

How do I buy a family membership?

You can buy a membership online at this website. Or you can download a membership form and pay at the clubhouse by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

How do I pay?

Online you can pay by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Direct Bank Deposit (your membership is not valid until the direct deposit is received). At the club, you can pay by Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS.

Student membership


This annual club membership is for full-time students aged 18 to 24. It provides full usage of the course without paying green fees, a GolfLink handicap, personal insurance and entry to Trentham competitions.

This membership offers:

  • Full playing rights for the period of membership without extra green fee payment.
  • No joining fee.
  • Student members can play in Trentham club competitions on payment of the competition fee.
  • Use of the course at any time outside of competitions, except when it is closed for reasons such as tournaments and maintenance.
  • A Trentham GolfLink handicap and personal insurance for the full term of the student membership.
  • Access to play in competitions and tournaments throughout Australia (where clubs accept visitors and depending on their membership and admission policies).


Who will benefit from this membership?

This membership will suit full time students who wish to become regular members of a golf club. They have voting rights as a member and can stand for office. All student members will have year-round personal insurance and Golf Australia GolfLink handicap.

What is the cost?

$200 pa.

What is my status while I am a student member?

Student members can play at Trentham at any time without paying any extra green fees. They can enter weekly competitions with the payment of the competition fee. They are eligible for board events (subject to any stated qualifying periods). They can enter any tournament event at Trentham with payment of the published entry fee.

What membership rights do student members have?

Student members have full voting rights at Trentham Golf Club, and can stand for the committee and for office. They have playing rights year-round, and are able to enter Trentham "board" events, such as club championships or the singles and doubles knockout matchplay (subject to any stated qualifying periods). With their Trentham Golf Link handicap, they can play in open competitions or tournaments at other clubs in Australia (subject to their green fee charges and entry policies -- some clubs do not have open competitions). To obtain a handicap they need to fulfil the usual Golf Australia requirements.

When can I purchase a student membership?

You can purchase a student membership at any time. There is a pro-rata fee payable for joining at times other than for the full year. If you join in January or February, you pay the full yearly membership fee, but membership is valid until February 28th of the following year.

I'm a member of another club, how do I switch my handicap to Trentham?

If you are not continuing with your previous club, you can transfer your handicap. We will need your current GolfLink number and your approval to transfer. You will receive a new GolfLink card and Trentham number (starting with 30606). Please note your approval on the membership form.

If you are retaining your other club membership, the choice is yours as to where you want your handicap to be held. For handicap purposes, you can be a 'home' member at one club and a 'non-home' member at the other. Just let us know which.

How do I buy a student membership?

You can buy a membership online at this website. Or you can download a membership form and pay at the clubhouse by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

How do I pay?

Online you can pay by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Direct Bank Deposit (your membership is not valid until the direct deposit is received). At the club, you can pay by Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS.

Junior membership


This annual club membership is for juniors aged under 18. It provides full usage of the course without paying green fees, a GolfLink handicap, personal insurance and entry to Trentham competitions.

This membership offers:

  • Full playing rights for the period of membership without extra green fee payment.
  • No joining fee.
  • Junior members can play in Trentham club competitions on payment of the competition fee.
  • Use of the course at any time outside of competitions, except when it is closed for reasons such as tournaments and maintenance.
  • A Trentham GolfLink handicap and personal insurance for the full term of the junior membership.
  • Access to play in competitions and tournaments throughout Australia (where clubs accept visitors and depending on their membership and admission policies).


Who will benefit from this membership?

This very affordable membership will suit juniors who wish to become regular members of a golf club. They do not have voting rights as a member and cannot stand for office. All junior members will have year-round personal insurance and Golf Australia GolfLink handicap.

What is the cost?

$100 pa.

What is my status while I am a junior member?

Junior members can play at Trentham at any time without paying any extra green fees. They can enter weekly competitions with the payment of the competition fee. They are eligible for board events (subject to any stated qualifying periods). They can enter any tournament event at Trentham with payment of the published entry fee.

What membership rights do junior members have?

Junior members do not have voting rights at Trentham Golf Club, and cannot stand for the committee and for office. They have playing rights year-round, and are able to enter Trentham “board” events, such as club championships or the singles and doubles knockout matchplay (subject to any stated qualifying periods). With their Trentham Golf Link handicap, they can play in open competitions or tournaments at other clubs in Australia (subject to their green fee charges and entry policies -- some clubs do not have open competitions). To obtain a handicap they need to fulfil the usual Golf Australia requirements.

When can I purchase a junior membership?

You can purchase a junior membership at any time. There is a pro-rata fee payable for joining at times other than for the full year. If you join in January or February, you pay the full yearly membership fee, but membership is valid until February 28th of the following year.

I'm a member of another club, how do I switch my handicap to Trentham?

If you are not continuing with your previous club, you can transfer your handicap. We will need your current GolfLink number and your approval to transfer. You will receive a new GolfLink card and Trentham number (starting with 30606). Please note your approval on the membership form.

If you are retaining your other club membership, the choice is yours as to where you want your handicap to be held. For handicap purposes, you can be a 'home' member at one club and a 'non-home' member at the other. Just let us know which.

How do I buy a junior membership?

You can buy a membership online at this website. Or you can download a membership form and pay at the clubhouse by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

How do I pay?

Online you can pay by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Direct Bank Deposit (your membership is not valid until the direct deposit is received). At the club, you can pay by Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS.

Summer membership


Do you want to play only in the warm summer period (Oct 1 to Mar 31), but keep a handicap and golfer insurance year round? Then the Summer Membership will be a great option for you.

This membership carries a year-round GolfLink handicap and personal insurance, but playing rights are limited to the period from October 1 to March 31. You can play from April 1 to September 30 with the payment of a discounted green fee ($25 for 18 holes). Designed for those who do not wish to play during the colder winter months.

This membership offers:

  • Full playing rights from 1 October to 31 March with no extra green fee payment.
  • From April 1 to September 30, you can still play in Trentham club competitions for $30 (including $10 competition fee). Outside of competitions you pay a discounted green fee rate of $25 for 18 holes.
  • No joining fee.
  • GolfLink handicap and personal insurance maintained for the full 12 months of the membership
  • You can gain access to play in competitions and tournaments throughout Australia (where clubs accept visitors and depending on their membership and admission policies).

Who will benefit from this membership?

The Summer membership will suit those who wish to retain membership of a club, but only play at Trentham during the warmer summer months. It has 6-month playing rights from 1 October to 31 March, but carries year-round personal insurance and Golf Australia (GolfLink) handicap.

What is the cost?

$500 pa.

What is my status during the summer six months (October 1–March 31)?

You can play at Trentham without paying any extra green fees. You can enter weekly competitions with the payment of only the competition fee. You can enter any event in the Trentham Tournament in October with payment of the published entry fee.

What is my status during the winter six months (April 1–September 30)?

You retain a Golf Australia handicap and insurance, but you don’t have any member playing rights. At Trentham, you will need to pay a discounted green fee of $25. You can play in Trentham club competitions for $30 (including $10 competition fee)..

What membership rights do I have?

With your Trentham Golf Link handicap and on payment of the applicable green fee and/or competition fee, you can play in open competitions or tournaments at other clubs in Australia (subject to their entry policies; some clubs do not have open competitions). To obtain a handicap you need to fulfil the usual Golf Australia requirements.

You do not have any voting rights at Trentham Golf Club, and you cannot stand for the committee or for office. As they fall outside the summer period when you have playing rights, you are unable to win Trentham "board" events, such as club championships or the singles and doubles knockout matchplay. You may enter the day event for any Trentham club competition and win vouchers, balls in the ball competition and nearest-the-pin prizes, but you are unable to win named trophies (including multi-round trophies) or monthly medals.

When can I purchase a Summer membership?

You can purchase a membership at any time for a 12-month period, but your playing rights at Trentham are still restricted to the six months from October 1 to March 31. You need to pay green fees at all other times.

I'm a current Trentham member, how do I transition to the Summer membership?

Option 1: Renew your full Trentham membership by March 30, then in September nominate a change to a Summer membership. There will be no membership fee rebate, but you will receive an extra 6 months handicap and insurance taking you to September 30 of the following year (when you will need to renew the Summer membership).

Option 2: Allow your full membership to lapse, and buy a 12-month Summer Membership. You must then pay green fees for the period April 1 to September 30 until the summer six month period kicks in.

Option 3: Allow your full membership to lapse, and purchase an Access membership for $120 to preserve your handicap and insurance. Then purchase a Summer Membership in September (covering October 1–September 30 in the following year).

How do I buy a membership?

You can buy a membership online at this website. Or you can download a membership form and pay at the clubhouse by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

How do I pay?

Online you can pay by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Direct Bank Deposit (your membership is not valid until the direct deposit is received). At the club, you can pay by Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS.

Access membership


Do you want a GolfLink handicap, personal insurance, discounts for playing at Trentham and the ability to play in competitions around Australia?

This is a basic membership that provides a 12-month GolfLink handicap and personal insurance (from date of issue). It offers significant discounts off green fees at Trentham and entry into Trentham club competitions. Designed for those who wish to maintain a genuine GolfLink handicap but who only play occasionally, or who wish to play at a variety of courses and competitions.

This membership offers:

  • 12 month limited Membership at Trentham.
  • No joining fee.
  • Play for 12 months at Trentham as a green fee player, but pay only $25 per 18 holes  i.e 18 holes for the less than the 9-hole rate.
  • Play in Trentham club competitions for $30 (including $10 competition fee).
  • 12-month access to a GolfLink handicap and personal insurance cover.
  • You can gain access to play in competitions and tournaments throughout Australia (where clubs accept visitors and depending on their membership and admission policies).
  • Expires 12 months from the date of issue.

Who will benefit from this membership?

The Trentham Golf Club Access Membership is for social golfers who would like to keep a Golf Australia GolfLink handicap for playing anywhere in Australia, be adequately personally insured when playing golf at any course, and obtain discounted access to play at Trentham.

It carries a year-round Golf Australia (GolfLink) handicap and personal insurance, enabling you to play competitions and tournaments anywhere in Australia. To obtain a handicap you need to fulfil the usual Golf Australia requirements.

What is the cost?

$150 for 12 months.

What is my ability to play at Trentham?

During the period of your Access Membership, you can play at Trentham with discounted green fees*.

  • When playing at Trentham, show your Access membership card for a green fee discount. You can play 18 holes for the 9-hole green fee rate ($20.00)
  • Play in Trentham club competitions for $30 (including competition fee)..
  • You can enter any event in the Trentham Tournament in October by paying the published event entry fee.
  • When the clubhouse is not open, pay using the QR code, selecting the Access member rate of $25 for 18 holes.
  • You can also pay your access member green fee or competition fee on this website here.
  • For rounds outside competitions, you will be required to carry your Trentham GolfLink card as well as holding a current green fee receipt.

What is my ability to play elsewhere?

With your Trentham Access Membership and Golf Link handicap, and on payment of the applicable green fee and/or competition fee, you can play in open competitions or tournaments at other clubs in Australia (subject to their entry policies; some clubs do not have open competitions).

What membership rights do I have at Trentham?

You do not have any voting rights at Trentham Golf Club, and you cannot stand for the committee or for office. You are unable to enter Trentham “board” events such as the club championships and the singles or doubles knockout matchplay. You may enter the day event for any Trentham club competition and win vouchers, balls in the ball competition and nearest-the-pin prizes, but you are unable to win named trophies (including multi-round trophies) or monthly medals.

When can I purchase an Access membership?

You can purchase a membership at any time and it will last for a 12-month period. You will be sent a renewal e-mail before the 12 months is up. If you fail to renew by the due date, your GolfLink handicap and insurance will immediately lapse.

Can I transition from Access Membership to full Trentham membership?

Yes. You need to pay the pro-rata full membership rate applicable at the time you switch. We will give you a rebate of $12 for every month remaining on your Access membership.

How do I buy an Access membership?

You can buy a membership online at this website. Or you can download a membership form and pay at the clubhouse by cash, credit card or EFTPOS.

How do I pay?

Online you can pay by Paypal, Visa, Mastercard or Direct Bank Deposit (your membership is not valid until the direct deposit is received). At the club, you can pay by Cash, Credit Card or EFTPOS.

* Green fees and competition entry fees are standard for all golfers, but may be subject to change in the future by determination of the Committee.
