Preferred lies
Compulsory tee-ups have been removed and preferred lies are now in place on all closely-mown surfaces. See the September 2024 Temporary Local Rules listed below. (You can also read them in the Settings menu of the MiScore App.)
Post and rope barriers
These are there for a reason. All players are required not to move the ropes, lower the rope so their buggies can go over it, or raise the rope and push their buggies underneath it. The ropes are there to protect the front of the greens during the winter months by keeping the area free of wear and tear, reducing mud and footprints, and helping to maintain grass cover. Please do not just ignore them.
Frosty conditions
The course will be closed when it is frosty. This is to preserve the grass and greens from being damaged. Walking or driving on frozen grass breaks the stems causing it to die.
If you are booked into a competition early when there is frost, you will need to wait. As an example, the women's competition this week was deferred until 10.30am.
Motorised carts must be driven off the fairway until the frost has completely thawed.
Divots and pitch marks
Please take the time to repair divots on fairways and pitch marks on greens. While I appreciate members do the right thing, we have many people who use the course that don’t. We thank you all for your additional attention to this.
Temporary Local Rules September 2024
Considering the fairway conditions, all players are entitled to take a preferred lie on closely-mown surfaces within the general area. Players can lift clean and place their ball within a club length no nearer the hole and in accordance with Rule 16.1
With reference to the above, if a players ball is in the an area that is as the result of bird damage, a player may take relief to the nearest point no nearer the hole.
With reference to the works in the bunkers on the RHS of the 10th green and the LHS of the 17th, these are to be treated as GUR and relief must be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1.
Unless specifically stated, players must take relief from all GUR in the general area, in accordance with Rule 16.1.
11th green: if a player’s ball comes to rest in GUR as marked out on the 11th green, a player may move their ball to the nearest “drop zone”, as identified on the green. The ball may be placed in the drop zone and played from there.
Players may take relief from the following in accordance with Rule 16.1:
- Leaf, stick and mulch piles
- Burnt ash piles
- Storm damage: Any disturbed areas due to tree removal, ground out stumps, or cut and standing stumps
- If a ball comes to rest on a tree root, or a tree root interferes with a player’s stance or swing, relief may be taken in accordance with Rule 16.1b
Post and rope barriers are to be treated as immovable obstructions and relief must be taken in accordance with rule 16.1. If your ball hits the port or rope, it must be played as it lies. Players are not allowed to replay the shot.